
Home Page Summer BrewFest 2023 Demo Custom Map Assignment Final Project

Custom Map Assignment

Project Summary

Local Government Academy is looking to make their brand recognizable within Allegheny County. What they do as an organization is unique not just within the county, but throughout the country, and they want to make that clear through their branding. Developing a map that is distinctly theirs can assist them in that goal.

A key component of Local Government Academy’s programming is their Municipal Intern Program, which they are recruiting interns for right now. To assist in that goal, I will design a map easily recognizable as an LGA map to identify the municipalities in Allegheny and surrounding counties looking for interns through Local Government Academy’s MIP. Therefore, the relevant screenshots show Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and the whole Southwestern Pennsylvania region.

Process Outline

Finding an appropriate photo of the website to establish the color palette, getting the Canva generator to pull good hex codes, and converting the hex codes to RGB values with Adobe for use in Google’s Legacy JSON Styling Wizard were the first steps. The next step was to create the actual custom map using the custom color palette for Local Government Academy. I took note of the feature and element types I made color changes to so I could put that together in a lookup table for Local Government Academy. Lastly, I put together this web page with all the project elements for them.

Color Palette

LGA Color Palette

Map Zoom Extents


LGA Custom Map

Allegheny County

Allegheny County Custom Map

Southwestern Pennsylvania

Southwestern PA Custom Map

Lookup Table

JSON Code Sample

LGA Custom Map